Thursday, May 27, 2010

It is no homework Thursday! Which is not as cool as you would first think. Tomorrow, I was supposed to have the Flying Fundamentals exam, but it is a half day tomorrow in celebration of Memorial Day Weekend. Except, it is only sort of a half day. We can only do half a days work, and then we have to do a bunch of base activities for "wingman day." And if that wasn't the best way to start the weekend, our exam was pushed to Tuesday at 0600 and only 4 people will be able to do the sims tomorrow. So, a fake half day versus having to study extra over an otherwise perfectly good 3-day weekend. Chock that one up for a loss. This week was kind of busy, and kind of not.

Something hilarious happened this week though. I was in this simulator, going through the flight and learning to do these outrageously slow 30 degree banking turns. I am on the 4th one or so and finally reached the prescribed heading. So, I level off and wait for further instruction from my instructor. And then I wait a little longer, but he says nothing. Awkwardly, I readjust my heading, thinking maybe it is not perfect enough. Still nothing from the peanut gallery. I wait a little longer, struggling to keep my aircraft level, since the sim is not so good at trimming and staying on a proper altitude and heading. Still nothing. So, I wiggle around in my seat so I can see behind me to the sim instructor is asleep. Like, passed out chin to his chest asleep. Unbelievable. And, I have no idea how to react. The guy is a retiree and has been working the simulator program for who knows how long. I am not sure if it was a condition he had from being so old that he just randomly falls asleep, or if my flying was just that boring. Anyway, I make some noise and clear my throat and finally after a couple attempts at that, he wakes up. Then he continues on like nothing happened, just picks up right where he left off.


Yeah, so long week for everyone I suppose.

Shadow is suffering from our long days as well. He seems to be overly excited all the time and always in dire need of attention, even if we take him for long runs or walks. But I suppose being alone for most of the day is pretty boring. Hopefully, in a little while he will be properly crate trained and we can let him out in the yard for longer periods of time during the day so he can play with his toys and run around more.

Shadow's training is coming along fairly well. The only real problem we are having is that housebreaking. He just doesn't seem to be able to understand that one. He has learned a variety of commands and is very proficient at fetch now. We are even moving on to more complicated commands like "go to your mat" and "leave it."

Today, I was talking to someone who also has a puppy. He was saying that having two puppies is actually easier to deal with than just having one. I find that interesting. It makes sense, but two puppies running around sure seems like a lot of extra work. Definitely something to consider.

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