Monday, May 3, 2010

Long day today. Mostly, the academics seemed to grad on endlessly. All morning we had power point classes, then the FACT test, and then another power point class. Kind of brutal. Not sure if I remember much of anything from the last class. By then I might have been completely gone. But, it was our first Systems class.
FACT is the fighter aircrew conditioning test, which I definitely failed. Apparently, I am too short for those machines. I did well on the lower body and endurance stuff, but the weird arm curl and bench press machine thingies did not work very well for short me. But, apparently, it is completely meaningless for me anyway, since I am also too short to fly fighter planes.
Today, we got our first delivery of Schwan's. We are hoping it will be a good way to deal with neither of us having much time to make and clean up from dinner. Anyway, dinner is over and now it is about time to study. The long days, long study sessions, and lack of free time is really refreshing. I know it will all one day be useful and I will get to do what I love.

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