Saturday, May 15, 2010

We spent most of today digging holes for a fence. We are finally putting up the fence that we got last month from one of the houses that the base is demolishing. Beneath the sketchy top layer of soil is even more rocks, mostly limestone type stuff, thankfully. So, it broke apart eventually, but it was slow work. As luck would have it someone down the street was also putting up a fence and had rented an auger, which we borrowed to finish the last three holes. We definitely should have started with the auger instead of borrowing a friend's shovel and post hole digger. But, it was good to get in a long day of hard labor. It is a break from the endless hours of classes and computer slideshow classes.

The third week of UPT consisted of that -- seemingly endless hours of classes and CAI's (lessons on a computer in something similar to power point format). I have 3 1/2 weeks left of phase 1 (the academic heavy portion). Josh is washing back two classes and finally started flying again this week. He has 4 flights before his first checkride and I have my second Systems test early Tuesday morning. Needless to say, we will be studying most of tomorrow (after we finish putting up the fence in the morning). We are hoping the fence gives the dog a little more time to play outside and makes him happier. Housebreaking the dog is getting to be pretty frustrating. He doesn't seem to quite get that he shouldn't poo everywhere. Not sure if we should punish him more or what, but hopefully he starts to get the idea soon.

The first group of USAFA '09 graduates tracked this week (track meaning going to the second training aircraft, which determines what type of aircraft is flown upon graduation). And next week the last group of '09 graduates start pilot training. It is kind of crazy that we are all really that far away from our days as academy cadets and we are really living our dreams.

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