Saturday, May 22, 2010

It's Saturday morning and I have been awake for over two hours. Why, you ask, would I wake up at 7 on a Saturday morning. Well, if your class gets in trouble for some nebulous act that we as a class still do not know and have not been told what we actually did, well, if this happens, your class gets to paint the local high school's stadium bleachers on a perfectly good Saturday morning. Unless of course this Saturday morning is rainy, and then you get to drive out there and wait for half an hour before someone decides that the weather man is most likely correct and it is going to continue raining for the rest of the day.

Anyway, rescheduling and slow, uninspired decision making have been the theme of pilot training so far. Neither of which I am particularly fond of, but I guess that's how it goes. If you ask me, it should be stopped, but apparently, that is only a personal opinion and some people enjoy the poorly organized and inadequately led side of the military.

So, now for something less riddled with cynicism and sarcasm. I had my first graded sim yesterday. It went...well, interesting, but I guess well, since I received an excellent on it. I guess all you really have to do to get good grades on the first couple sims is show up and not have your flight suit on backwards. This is a good thing, because I had absolutely no idea what was going on. I mean, I knew I was supposed to be flipping switches and going through the checklists and blurting out random things as prescribed. But knowing that and knowing what is going on are two completely different things. It was good though, I now know that there are way to many little switches and that I should probably memorize not just what I have to say, but also where exactly all the switches are and in what order I have to flip them.

So far, what I have learned about being a pilot is that chimpanzees have more friendly training but learn very similar things. Maybe, if I was given a banana every time I flipped the switches in the right order, then perhaps it would make me feel equal to a chimp. However, seeing as bananas could get expensive, I don't see that happening in the near future.

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