Wednesday, May 12, 2010

So, wow, what a week, and it's only Wednesday. Shadow, as we have named our new pup, is a very good puppy. Fortunately, he is not crazy. He is still a lot of work, but it could be worse. Today (the 3rd day we've had him), he has had no accident in the house. He did puke, but that was just showing me that hot dogs are not a good doggy treat. I gave him a bath today. I have no idea why he doesn't like water, aren't dogs supposed to like water? In any case, the bath will be at least a weekly occurrence, so he will eventually get used to it. Also, there is dog hair all over part of the house. We don't let him in any of the rooms, so no problem there. But in the back room and hallway it is getting pretty bad. Or maybe I just really dislike dog hair. Oh well.

As for UPT. It is going well. It seems really slow right now. But that is fine, I am sure if it was any faster, I would be struggling. Today, I had the Systems 1 test. Passed that. Yesterday, we had our first set of Sims. Not much to it this time, just flipping switches and figuring out where stuff is. Four more weeks of Phase 1 left (Phase 1 is the academic portion of UPT).

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