Sunday, April 25, 2010

So, here it goes. A new adventure about to begin. Pilot training starts tomorrow. I can't decide if the tightness in my stomach is from the nervousness, the fact that it is almost dinner time, or the drugs trials we have to do. Whatever the case, I pretty much am psyched for tomorrow and this next year. It is going to be one heck of a ride.
The next two days will be a series of briefings, most of which are annual type air force briefings to make sure we get the required stuff out of the way so we don't need to do it in the middle of pilot training. Then starts the academic classes, which lasts for about 6 weeks. In June, I hit the flight line. And that means we start actually flying. I will fly the T-6 Texan II. This will happen for about 4 1/2 months, and then we track. We track to a different aircraft, there are 4 options, T-1, T-44, T-38, or UH-1. T-1's are a small jetliner type planes that lead into flying airlift or air-refueling aircraft. T-44's are planes with two props out front and lead into the C-130, which is the air force's large prop plane. It has 4 props and flies cargo drop missions, missions that drop things out the back like pallets or people. T-38's are fighter trainers that lead into fighter or bomber planes. And UH-1's are the helicopter trainers.
I can't fly T-38's or UH-1's because I am to short, so my choices are kind of limited. But I am still excited about it. Out track date is 21 October.
Today, I finished the two master's classes I was working on. Finally, the last paper was a killer. So, now it's just pilot training for a year. Let the good times begin.

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