Friday, April 2, 2010

Friday, running fail. I went to take a 30 minute nap, which I was planning on following with a run. Turned out to be a 2 hour nap with no run following. I have been attempting to work on this long paper I have to write about Enron and financial accounting. However, I really don't care about Enron, and well, financial accounting is boring as well. And somehow I have to get 10 pages out of all the information that is so boring and dry and meaningless to me. It is weeks like this that make me wish I did not decide on doing these two master's classes before starting pilot training.

On a brighter note: if I do happen to finish this paper (I am sure I will, always seems to work out) and the shorter one this week for my other class, then I will have only 3 weeks before I am a quarter of the way done with my MBA. Which is funny to think about, but only true in course credit not time, because I can't take classes for the next year and a half or so.

Also, if I can get myself at least half as interested in the Enron debacle as I am at writing my random thoughts in this blog, then maybe it will go faster.

Fridays are days for grilling steak and potatoes on the back porch. This Friday is no exception, now if only my husband will be released for today, we can get start our weekend.

fitness fail -- 2 hour nap

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