Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April Fools.

April the first is a strange day. During that entire day, if anything happens that is not normal, or maybe normal but sucks, I wonder if it is an April Fools joke. Unfortunately, it usually is not.

A new Bones comes out tonight...finally. Of course I won't be watching tonight, but tomorrow on Hulu, you better believe. I am addicted to this show, no, fascinated with it. I watch old episodes, whenever I am feeling bored or like watching something at all really. If all the shows in the world were to be cancelled but Bones, I would be okay with that.

Tonight, I am making Chicken Divan and brownies for supper. Currently, I am making the brownies. And what I mean by that, is I am eating the brownie mix while I wait for the oven to heat up. I wonder where brownies came from...other than heaven of course. But who thought of them, and why have they not won the Nobel Peace Prize? Because that one act of creating brownies has probably done more for the world than any other human act, besides inventing ice cream, of course. I believe if you replaced the phrase "best idea since sliced bread" with "best idea since brownies" one, it would actually mean something, and two it would be used a whole lot less.

Anyway, even though today was semi-useless as I did not accomplish anything but a PT test and mixing brownies up, it is a really good day. I believe that is mostly because of the sleeping in and the brownies, rather than the PT test. So, now I will work on my wonderful paper on Enron's downfall for my horridly boring master's class.

So, I think instead of doing the 30 day blogrimage, since I seem to be really late on starting, I am going to start a monthly challenge. Every month I will choose something to do daily to try to improve myself. For the month of April, I am going to run one mile or more every day during the week and one of the days on the weekends (leaving one day for rest). Running is something I could improve a lot on, and I hope this will be a good start in doing so.

Yesterday, I did pyramid push-ups and shoulder presses.
Today, I got tagged as doing a practice surprise fitness test to help the new fitness monitors figure out the system...yay...
But at least it forced me (literally) to get in a good run, and more push-ups and sit-ups. Though the sit-ups are hardly a workout, doing push-ups today on top of yesterdays has given me a deep burn in my shoulders.

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