Sunday, March 27, 2011

Today was rather melancholy to begin with. I woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat and spent the morning being lazy trying to get over it, which actually worked. I even took a nap, which may have been spent better engaged, but no more sore throat.
I helped a friend get ready for his navigation checkride tomorrow. It was good to get out and interact with someone other than Shadow.
I have decided that I need to set some goals for myself with Josh away, and especially with him out in the woods with no contact this week. Most days I just look forward to seeing him, and if he's gone to talking to him every few days at least. But now while I have nothing better to do or give me an excuse to do, I should get myself back in shape and get to a rigorous schedule to get me through these next two weeks until my nav check.
This week my goal will be to run at least 4 times and once run the 1.5 mile course on the track to gauge how much I need to improve. Also to do push-ups every day. Paltry goals I am sure, however, the amount I have let myself go recently calls for small steps back to fitness.
As for my sleep and other type schedules. My goal for the week will be to be in bed by 10:30 every night. That should give me long enough sleep each day to not make being tired an excuse.
I am very glad I am done with night week and can actually set a normal schedule, or at least normal for someone who works 10-12 hours a day.

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