Saturday, March 26, 2011

I miss him. I have kept myself pretty busy today. It helped. But tonight I sit here drinking wine, eating his favorite spaghetti meal, watching a movie and realizing, it ins't the same without him. In fact, it is just bearable. I am so close to breaking down crying. I don't know how I am going to do this for the next 3 to 4 months. And past that? I can't help but wonder what if I don't get the same assignment as he does? What if I don't even get the same plane? I don't like being without him. He really does complete me.
Needless to say the next two weeks are probably the most important to date. The biggest checkride in pilot training will be at the end of these two weeks. Of course this whole thing is up to God, but I have to do my best as well. I know that whatever happens He has my back. That being as it is I still fret a bit too much about it.
I just finished night week. It was rather brutal. Or felt that way from my perspective. Flying at night is spectacular. I flew over Houston one of the nights. The lights shining below and the stars sparkling above were quite something. If I were poetic, I'd write something beautiful about it.
My dog, Shadow, is watching me type. He likes to chase the mouse around the screen and watch the letters fly across the window. He reminds me of Josh. He has stopped wondering around the house looking for him, and has finally started eating regularly again. Poor little guy really misses him too.

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