Monday, September 19, 2011

5 days. That's how many days before I leave for MC-12 IQT, and the beginning of what will become a very long separation. IQT is only two and a half weeks long, and then I will be home for somewhere between 10 days and 2 weeks. After that I leave for Beale and the separation starts in earnest. I am hoping Josh can come visit before I deploy, and especially for Thanksgiving or something close to it that we can both celebrate. After the couple months at Beale I will deploy and be gone for 7 months or more. And it is very unlikely that I will see Josh at all in those 7+ months, unless we happen to cross paths on a runway somewhere out there. Hey, there's always hoping.

Well, during our extended separation, we'd both like to get in better shape, and do something "together" - some sort of common goal that we can share when we are reunited. We have decided to train for a marathon. Hopefully, the Air Force Marathon in September 2012. By then we will both be back stateside and since it is Air Force supported, we should both be able to get leave to attend the race.

Next Monday, we are both starting a training program for it. And there you have it, one goal, two people, multiple states/countries, 26.2 miles, 51.5 weeks away.

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