Saturday, October 16, 2010

Something that bothers me immensely is when people decide to argue about stuff online, when neither person has a legitimate argument, and neither party knows what they are talking about. If it didn't make me want to smack them, I might enjoy the irony of people using technology to make themselves look stupid instead of just googling it and perhaps learning something that day. I understand that the internet is sometimes frustrating to use as a resource as it is hard to sift through so many of the blogs and news reports that claim to be facts but lack any truth. But surely it isn't that difficult if I can do it? In any case, that is my rant for today - go look stuff up before you post and let the world know that you know nothing.

I think a wise saying applies to the internet as well - “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” ~ Mark Twain

Friday, October 8, 2010

In the pilot training arena and most of the time in a military context they are called instructors, but they are still teachers. Teachers I feel are some of the most important people in your life. Mostly, what they say and teach is rarely remembered. And a lot of times you learn what not to do from teachers. However, every now and then you get one that is just outstanding at what he/she does. They seem unflappable and carefree, yet still uphold the standards. Being around them makes you appreciate life and love what you are learning. These kind of teachers are not only remembered for what they said and what they taught, but also for that little something they added to the lives of those around them. I feel I have been blessed with many such teachers along the way so far - maybe even more so than the average person. Today, watching one such teacher fly his last flight for the air force, I remember those teachers and what they have done for me and how they have helped me along the way.