Friday, September 24, 2010

I had a good talk with a friend today. It made me think about how we live life. Most things we do for the greater good, or at least for our greater good. Some people work in a tiny cubical, answer whiny phone calls, deal with confused customers, or get other people's coffee for 8 or more hours a day just for the pay check they get every other week or so. To them that pay check is the greater good that comes from the long hours spent on the verge of insanity. Others serve for the greater good of others, yes the pay check is nice, but not nearly enough to compensate for the struggle. Teachers put up with other people's spoiled brats for hours each day just to see the glint of learning in a few of their eyes. Soldiers put up with the fear or death and injury to be able to sleep at night with the knowledge that they have kept the innocents who cannot defend themselves safe. Airmen face the risk of crashing or being shot from the sky to provide a shield for those fighting on the ground and to bring hope and supplies to those in need. Doctors work long hard hours and bear the pain of families losing loved ones to be able to bring health and happiness to their patients.

In every job there is reward for those who work it. And every job longs for the weekend to spend with their family and friends, whether that job includes flying the fastest planes or working the longest hours in a mine.

And now my weekend starts and I cannot think of anything else to say. It's been a long week.

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