Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cross country was a lot of fun. It was a ton of work, and really tiring, but still cool. My instructor pilot told me that her first cross country as a student was when she first started feeling like a real pilot. I think I agree. Some times things went a little crazy with the weather and the clearances, and I wasn't sure what to do still, but for the most part it felt like I really knew what was going on and could do it all on my own.

Taking off for my first night sortie was pretty sweet too. Flying at night on a commercial plane is one of my favorite parts of flying, but being the person flying over those little lights flickering down below is even cooler.

One thing that was rough about cross country was that it took away my weekend. It is a little brutal flying a plane with no autopilot and pretty bad triming capability for long periods of time every day. But I just reminded myself that those towns we were passing over could very well have people working on the weekends as well, and their work was either more brutal hard labor or more boring desk jobs. So, really I would much rather be a pilot flying on the weekends, than have a desk job with the best hours possible.

Instrument checkride is coming up, probably next week. There is a crazy amount stuff to know for it, so most of the next few days will probably be spent studying. And then it is on to formation and low-levels!! woot!

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