Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Drove a lot today. My husband had a surgery consult, and the nearest "real" hospital is 3 hours away. Turns out he has to get surgery in two weeks, so we'll be going back again. It isn't a super big deal, just a kind of average surgery. But it has taken him off flying status until he has recovered fully. Which could be anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks. A downer for sure, but he's taking it like a champ and trying to focus on the fact that even though he can't fly, he can get a lot of studying in until he can.

Didn't get much done in the way of goals today. One of my friends started this thing called blogrimage. It's where you blog about something for 30 days. Something that maybe will change your life or just something new to try for a month. Maybe it would help me get in a regular workout routine. So, thinking about it, and what it would all entail.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Today, I watched the house across the street be demolished.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Recently, I have been thinking of about what it would mean to be perfect. Or maybe not perfect, but continually improving. There are so many ways to improve life, stuff like fitness, health, knowledge, home improvement, character, skill sets, etc.

I think setting goals or checkpoints might help make sure I fully utilize my life. First, some general goals are in order.
Get in peak physical shape
Eat foods that make my body feel healthy
Actually play guitar
Learn a language
Learn new things frequently
Continue fixing the house
Become a better person

Some goals for the next month:
Run 3 times a week & do calisthenics/lift 3 times/week, regularly
Learn a new song
Read a book
Finish painting the back room

Maybe just writing down my progress on stuff like this will help me think of it more frequently, and maybe accomplish some of them.


Saturdays are great. No work needs to be completed on a Saturday. So, if you do get something done, it's like you are super productive or something. Today, we moved a fence. Just a chain link fence, but it was cemented into the ground. It feels good to work outside and get dirty and scratched up a bit, especially on such a lovely spring day.

This week is midterms. I have one paper left, but I don't want to start it. Financial accounting...not so fascinating as it sounds. But when these classes are finished, I will be a quarter of the way through with my masters, which I suppose makes it worthwhile.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Today, I wait.
I wait for my husband to return home.
I wait for April 26th, so I can start training.
I wait for the end of the day, so the weekend can start.
I wait for motivation to complete my last midterm.

I feel like I have been waiting for a while. I suppose I have. I have reached the stage of waiting where pure boredom sets in. Boredom so deep, that thinking of things to make the boredom go away is boring. The irony is that I have waited for this boredom. A year ago I dreamed of being this bored. Thus, I am not complaining, because this boredom feels good.

I know the boredom will not last. Soon, I will find something to occupy my time and stimulate my mind. And in a month, I will start training and the boredom will be gone. Then perhaps I will wish for its return.

In my boredom, I have started an online journal. Seems to me that this way I can journal without having to fill up books that take up space and will one day fill a box. And perhaps, somewhere some other bored person will read part of this one day, and for maybe 5 minutes, their boredom will be curbed, if only slightly.

~ Sky Monkey