Sunday, February 27, 2011

Josh finally found out what he will be flying this last Friday - the mighty C-130 Hercules. Four fans of freedom!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I am probably the worst blogger of all time. Usually, I have nothing to say, or I am just too tired to come up with a complete sentence to say. And when I do post something, the posts are short and are pretty much more like a facebook status update than a blog.
Oh well.
Yesterday, I completed my first T-1 checkride, and failed it. First checkride I have ever failed. But still glad it is over, even if I do have to go to a progress check. The last block of training seemed like it would never be over. Between bad weather and broken planes, I progress about one ride a week for the longest time. This last week I got a flight every day. Probably not the best of ways to go, seeing as the last ride I failed and it was a really important one. But oh well, at least it is some sort of progress. Tuesday, I am scheduled to fly the progress check. Kind of a big deal (in a bad way), but kind of not. Because even though I never failed a checkride while flying T-6s, I did have trouble landing at first and went to a progress check before my first solo. Ironically, this is also the first ride I have failed in T-1s, which was the opposite of T-6s. I failed a lot before my first checkride and then did fine on the checkride.
But I was probably just tired and frustrated with the week that really didn't go so well. I am sure Monday will be a lot of work fixing everything that is wrong with my gradebook and studying for a second go at the "checkride." Unfortunately, I can't move on to the navigation block yet. I am really looking forward to getting to that. In all honesty, I am really just looking forward to being done with pilot training. I am constantly tired, have no life outside of studying or preparing to fly, and really really am bored with the whole thing.
Every day seems just like the one before it, every weekend the spent catching up on sleep and chores - no excitement past the melodrama of student pilot interactions. I am ready to be able to take a vacation every few months and travel somewhere. Maybe not be so tired over the weekend and actually enjoy it. Ya, that would be nice. Hopefully someday...though that some day seems very far off. Did you know that after a year and a month of pilot training, military pilots then have to go to 4-6 months of training for their assigned aircraft!? It seems as if the miserable and stifling environment of forced harsh learning and long days will last far too long. Shouldn't I get a second degree or something out of this? I hope the pair of wings on my chest in the end will be worth all the struggle. And by struggle I mean boredom of course.
Well, there you go. A new post with more than just a facebook status update.
Eeyore out. ;-)